Please, watch my new video and – if you like and agree – feel free to share 🙂 Zobacz nowy film i – jeśli czujesz…

Colour wall batik / Kolorowy batik na ścianę New skills mean new projects. Now it’s time for batik.. Watch more >> Nowe umiejętności to nowe…

Here are four identical panels that you can hang on the wall in the chosen configuration: (vertically, horizontally, in a square), choosing any arrangement of…

ZIELONA MANDALA Two-piece textile mandala, to hang on the wall. Watch more >> Dwuczęściowa tekstylna mandala, do powieszenia na ścianie. Zobacz więcej >>

This was one of the most labour-intensive ideas that came to my mind! Work on it took nearly two months and started from weaving a…

Visual impressions are also important during a meal, which largely depend on how nicely we decorate the table and what details we use to make…

Visual impressions are also important during a meal, which largely depend on how nicely we decorate the table and what details we use to make…

Series of cushions which will not only become a decoration of the room, but also perfectly fulfill their function, if you want to take a…

To insulate a white wall with a colourful kilim. Take a look. Ocieplanie białej ściany kolorowym kilimem. Zobacz.

What does a craftsman do when he becomes an owner of old country house? 🙂 Year 2: bathroom, veranda and terrace continued. Take a look….