Beaded, “ruffled” handbag, with silver finishing. Take a look at how the bag was created. Koralikowa “nastroszona” torebka, wykończona srebrem. Zobacz jak powstawała torebka.
Green pendant and a matching pair of earrings. Take a look at more pictures. Zielony wisior i kolczyki do kompletu. Zobacz więcej zdjęć.
Long earrings, made with silver and with handwoven fabric in plaid pattern. Take a look at how the earrings were created. Długie kolczyki wykonane ze…
Long earrings, made with silver and multicolored fabric woven in the tapestry technique. Take a look at how the earrings were created. Długie kolczyki wykonane ze…
Small pillow-shaped earrings, made from handwoven fabric and silver. Watch more pictures of these earrings. Niewielkie kolczyki w kształcie poduszek zostały wykonane z ręcznie tkanego…
Funny, bow-shaped earrings made from hand-woven fabric and silver. Take a look at how the earrings were created. Zabawne kolczyki w kształcie kokardek zostały wykonane…