MULTI-COLOURED SCARF / WIELOKOLOROWY SZALIK Simple, long, multi-coloured scarf. Watch more pictures. Prosty, długi, wielokolorowy szalik w tonacji turkusu. Zobacz więcej zdjęć.

The scarf made on Schacht looms with the phantasy plait. Take a look. Szalik wykonany na krosnach Schacht splotem fantazyjnym. Zobacz.

Universal, thin but warm, big cotton scarf – if necessary, in the evening walk it can replace a jumper or even become a thin blanket….

Beautiful, expressive patterns and unusual color effects: colors permeate and change gently both over the length and width of the shawl, thanks to which each…

Shawls warm and large almost like blankets. Take a look at how the scarves ware created. Szale ciepłe i duże niemal jak koce. Zobacz jak…

A series of classic cotton scarves, created using a weave called “Panama”. Take a look at how the scarves ware created. Seria klasycznych szalików bawełnianych,…

A shawl made to special order. Take a look at how the shawl was created. Szal wykonany na specjalne zamówienie. Zobacz jak powstawał szal.

A fancy weave has been used, which emphasizes the quality of this colour combination, as well as the softness and fluffiness of the mohair yarn.Take…

Long, blue-beige cotton scarf. Take a look at how the scarf was created. Długi,niebiesko-beżowy szalik bawełniany. Zobacz jak powstawał szalik.

The fancy twill weave of the scarf creates distinctive multicoloured “points”. Take a look at how the scarf was created. Fantazyjny splot szalika tworzy charakterystyczne,…