SILK PAINTING / MALOWANIE NA JEDWABIU Several new silk scarves, painted with handmade motifs.. Watch more pictures. Kilka nowych jedwabnych szali, malowanych w motywy handmade….

MEN’S SCARF / MĘSKI SZALIK Black and gray, long and without fringes, but with delicate “bubbles”. Watch more pictures. Czarno-szary, długi i bez frędzli, ale…

SCARF IN THREE VARANTS / SZALIK W TRZECH WARIANTACH One pattern, three variants of scarf. Watch more pictures. Jeden wzór, trzy warianty szalika. Zobacz więcej…

In my free time, a turquoise knitted scarf was made. W wolnym czasie powstał turkusowy szalik robiony na drutach.

MULTI-COLOURED SCARF / WIELOKOLOROWY SZALIK Simple, long, multi-coloured scarf. Watch more pictures. Prosty, długi, wielokolorowy szalik w tonacji turkusu. Zobacz więcej zdjęć.

The scarf made on Schacht looms with the phantasy plait. Take a look. Szalik wykonany na krosnach Schacht splotem fantazyjnym. Zobacz.

Beautiful, expressive patterns and unusual color effects: colors permeate and change gently both over the length and width of the shawl, thanks to which each…

Beautiful, expressive patterns and unusual color effects: colors permeate and change gently both over the length and width of the shawl, thanks to which each…

We also take care of those who don’t like large shawls, who prefer to use classic, not too long scarves or tube scarves. Take a…

Beautiful, expressive patterns and unusual color effects: colors permeate and change gently both over the length and width of the shawl, thanks to which each…